Tarun Biswas
Associate Professor of Physics
Office: Room 274, Science Hall
Phone: (845) 257-3749
Office hours: (Spring 2025) Mondays and Thursdays, 2:15-3:15, Wednesdays 2:15-4:15.
Some of My Down-to-Earth Interests
Computer simulation of a stretched string without
any small oscillations approximation (Computers in Physics, 8,
446, (1994)).
Quirks of Quantum Mechanics (Electron Spin
and Samuel Goudsmit: Chapter 6 of "Models and Modellers of Hydrogen" (1996,
World Scientific)).
Eyeglass design for double vision correction
(NIH funded project).
Computer puzzle games and group theory (Computers
in Physics, 12, 488, (1998)).
Quantum computer games
Tae Kwon Do (black belt).
Some of My More Esoteric Interests
- Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curves.
- The Black Hole Controversy.
Composite particle Quantum Electrodynamics --
Treating electrons and photons as composites can get rid of infinite
renormalization and the problem of Haag's theorem without sacrificing
experimentally observed effects like anomalous electron magnetic moment
and Lamb shift. The following are a couple of papers on the subject.
Higgs mechanism for particle mass generation.
A theory for strong interactions (alternative to
Quantum Chromodynamics?) with first quantized quarks but second quantized
composites of quarks (hadrons) (Nuovo Cimento A, 107, 863, (1994);
Nuovo Cimento A,104, 995, (1991)).
A special relativistic extension of the Newtonian
theory of gravity that explains all unambiguously observed experimental
results (red-shift,bending of light near a massive star, precession of
planetary orbits and gravitational waves) (Foundations of Physics, 24,
513, (1994)).
Social behavior of the physics
community and its effects on physics.
- Mathematical Logic in Everyday Life (The One Commandment)
Some "Normal" Courses I Have Taught
Computational Physics.
Electricity and Magnetism.
Particle Physics.
Quantum Mechanics.
General Relativity.
Solid State Physics.
Scientific World (General Science for general education).
Some Unusual Courses I Have Taught
Some Lectures I Have Given
- "Fairytales and Monkeywrenches -- Linear vs. Nonlinear Systems"
(Vassar College , SUNY Geneseo and SUNY New Paltz).
- "The Dark Side of Black Holes -- Myth and Reality" (Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association)
- "Testing Theories of Gravity -- Newton, Einstein, Hawking" (Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association)
- "Demystifying Quantum Physics -- Maybe" (Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association)
- "The Marriage of Relativity and Quantum Physics" (Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association).
- "Nonviolent Cosmology: No Big Bangs, Please!" (Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association).
- "Black Holes and Red Herrings" (Dickinson College).
Dredging up the past
I received a masters degree in Physics (Fiber Optics)
from the Indian Institute of Technology at New Delhi in 1978. The same
year I went to Syracuse University (New York) for further studies. There
I did another MS in Physics (1979). I continued at Syracuse University
until 1984 when I completed both a PhD in Physics and a MS in Computer
Science. Since then I have been at SUNY at New Paltz.